Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unable to process SMIDENTITY cookie


The SMIDENTITY is a persistent cookie is used for Affiliate agents, or Anonymous authentication schemes. If you are using either of these, then this cookie is required.
If you are not using either of these, then there is no need for this cookie. The Siteminder policy server generates this cookie if you have "Enable User Tracking" turned on under Tools-->Global Settings in the Siteminder UI. It is a Persistent cookie, so it will stay in the browser if you have ever accessed a webagent that points to a policy server that has this setting enabled. Please delete the cookie manually from the browsers persistent cookie store. This will make the error stop showing up. Unfortunately, it will happen for every user that has such a cookie stuck in their browser.
If you are not using Affiliates or anonymous auth schemes, then you should disable this switch in all policy servers in your environment.
Note that this warning will NOT ever cause access failures to any users, unless it is when users are accessing an anonymous realm.

1 comment:

  1. Can we get the Affiliate Server to use the SMSESSION Cookie, instead of the SMIDENTITY ?

    We need Affiliate server to use SMSESSION cookie so that it does not force a login. Currently when you login user information is updated in the SMIDENTITY cookie, and then affiliate server uses that. We would like to use the SMSESSION cookie instead (which already has User Info).

    Please let us know, if this is something achievable.
